Resultados: 4

Rastreio de sintomas depressivos e ansiosos em mulheres no pós-parto: estudo descritivo

OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência de sintomas depressivos e ansiosos vivenciados por mulheres durante os quatro primeiros meses de pós-parto. MÉTODO: Estudo descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa. Realizou-se a coleta de dados com 86 mulheres na Zona Oeste de São Paulo. Foram aplicados três instrumen...

Experiences of pregnant women in a group: a descriptive study

Aim: To understand the experiences of pregnant women in a group and the role of the group in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Method: This was an exploratory descriptive study in which a qualitative approach was used. The instruments for data collection were interviews and observation. Five women pa...

El proceso de nacimiento asistido y cómo lo percibe la mujer: estudio descriptivo

The present qualitative study searched for the understanding of women's perception on the participation of a coach, chosen by them, during the labor process. The research study was carried out between August and November 2009 at a teaching maternity in the municipality of Curitiba, Parana State, Brazil. ...

The practice of episiotomy: a qualitative study on perceptions of a group of women

This study set out to understand the experiences and perceptions of women from the practices of episiotomy during labor. This is a qualitative descriptive approach, performed in a school hospital in São Paulo, which data were collected through interviews with the participation of 35 women, who experienc...